Happy to say that I was right yesterday about the hunger and potty breaks, and another 1.5lbs of the gain was gone this morning, so only 1.5lbs to go and then I can starting working on getting into new territory, yay, I'm really excited about seeing a new low soon!
Right now I am just SO glad I joined Syl's challenge because this week I'm really struggling to motivate myself on a morning to get on with my workout. I'm lucky that DH had agreed for me to go to the gym today while he watched DD, and I had planned to go as soon as I woke up, but instead I turned over and dozed for another hour or so lol. I ended up having breakfast with them before I grumpily put my running shoes on and headed for the gym. I REALLY didn't want to go. I don't know if I've burnt out with the gym itself, if I'm bored, or if I'm just going through a bad patch with it. I love my classes still but just don't look forward to my gym workouts lately for some reason. When I got there today one of the girls I know who has sessions with the personal trainer had just finished and she looked EXHAUSTED! She said that he'd had her running up and down the steps of the football stadium which the gym is part of, and she felt sick she was so tired! I've been thinking of booking some sessions with him now that I'm getting nearer to goal, in the hope of toning up some of my flabby bits a bit more, but to be honest, I'M SCARED! I really wonder if I'm fit enough for him lol. This girl said that she's seen me running on the treadmill and thinks I'm much fitter than her as she can't run for more than about 5mins at a time. I said I can run for a long time, but only slowly and she said that the personal trainer has set her a target of running a mile in 10mins! I can run about 4 miles non-stop, but they are about 12-13min miles lol. So my mind started whirring (always a dangerous thing) and after my warmup and some incline work I decided to give it a go. I've done 2.4k (1.5m) at 9kph and have ran up to 10kph for very short intervals, but this time I set the speed at 9.5kph and off I went. I realised when I got about halfway through that I still wasn't going to be near a 10min mile, so upped it to 9.6, then 9.7 etc, and ended up doing about the last minute at 10kph, and my final time for a mile was 10mins 12secs.... I didn't meet the goal I'd set myself, but it's something I've never tried before and I did run for much longer at a faster speed than I've ever done which I am so proud of myself for. And even though I was slightly disappointed I didn't manage it, I really didn't think I'd be able to get that close to it so overall I'm very happy with the effort I put in. And mixing my workout up and setting myself a challenge actually meant that although I was exhausted afterwards I really enjoyed myself and felt to have really had a good workout. So you know what I'll be doing in a week's time? Having another go and starting off at 9.6kph this time lol. Watch this space!
Today's workout details:-
10mins Cross Trainer Profile 6 Level 5
21mins Treadmill Incline Walk
10mins Treadmill Run 9.5-10kph
10mins Cardio Wave
10mins Abs and Arm Strength Exercises
congrats on the loss